Your chain saw is only as good as your cutting system (saw chain, guide bar, and drive sprocket). They function as a team while doing the actual work of cutting wood and therefore must be maintained as a team. That's why we've created these instructional guides and videos that you can use to assist in properly maintaining your saw chain.
Replacing Damaged Cutter and Joining Chain Loop (Breaking and Spinning)
Identifying and Replacing Chain
Chain Sharpening and Chain Maintenance
How-To Use Sure Sharp Mini Grinder
Operating Instructions for the 520-120 and 410-120 Chain Grinders
Set up and Grinding Instructions for the Oregon 511AX Chain Grinder
Installation and Set up for the Oregon 520-120 Grinder
Centering Process for the Oregon 520-120 and 620-120 Grinders
Maintenance and Removal of Hydraulic System for the Oregon 620-120 Grinder
Operating Instructions for the Oregon 710-120 and 730-120 Auto Chain Grinders
Operating Instructions for the Oregon 720-120 Auto Chain Grinder
Assembly Instructions for the Oregon 700 Series Auto Chain Grinders
Lawn and Garden
Belt Grinders for Oregon Model 760 and Model x400
How-To Replace or Install your Gator SpeedLoad
Log Splitters
Oregon 28-ton, 22-ton, and 6-ton Log Splitters
Oregon Power Equipment
Oregon Cordless BL300 Leaf Blower
Oregon Cordless CS300 Chainsaw
Oregon Cordless HT250 Hedge Trimmer
Oregon Cordless ST250 String Trimmer
Oregon Cordless PS250 Pole Saw
Oregon Cordless 40V MAX Lithium Ion Power Batteries