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Saw Chain & Guide Bars

If you’re a woodcarver who uses saw chain and guide bars for artistic expression, Sculptor was designed for you. Sculptor’s Micro Chisel cutters ensure extra-fine chainsaw carving, and the carving bar is designed for maneuverability and durability.

Sculptor Saw Chain

Oregon 25F Sculptor Saw Chain for Chainsaw Carving

Sculptor saw chain is available in two styles:

25A is small and light-weight, and its Micro Chisel cutters provide exceptional detail.

25F is small and light-weight with “full house” Micro Chisel cutters that provide extra-fine chainsaw carving.

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Sculptor Saw Chain
Chain Pitch Gauge Cutter Saws Guide Bar ANSI Status
25A 1/4" .050" Micro Chisel Up to 38 cc Sculptor Bar Only Professsional
25F 1/4" .050" Micro Chisel Up to 38 cc Sculptor Bar Only Professsional

Sculptor Saw Chain


  • Designed specifically for extra-fine and precise chainsaw carving

Easy to Use

  • Micro Chisel cutters have smaller-radius working corners for easier maintenance


  • Lighter weight and smaller size means greater maneuverability


  • 1/4“/.050/Standard (25A)
  • 1/4“/.050/Full House (25F)


  • Only use with the specialty Sculptor bar
  • Recommended saw sizes: up to 38 cc
Oregon Sculptor Guide Bar

Sculptor Guide Bar

The Sculptor guide bar is made of high quality, clear-coated, and brushed steel for a distinctive appearance. The Sculptor carving bar is an essential tool for chainsaw artists seeking long-lasting performance and versatility.

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Long-Lasting Performance for Chainsaw Carving


  • Smaller, more efficient carving bar and nose are designed specifically for extra-fine carving and cutting


  • Gas-welded high cobalt/chrome alloy hard-facing material for better nose performance and life

Lighter Weight

  • Light-weight, but high quality steel combines performance and maneuverability

Bar Lengths

  • 10-14“

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Werkzeuge einkaufen

Werkzeuge einkaufen

Sie können nur so gut arbeiten, wie es Ihre Ausrüstung zulässt. Wir haben alle Werkzeuge, die Sie brauchen, um Ihre Geräte ordnungsgemäß zu warten und zu betreiben, wenn Sie sie brauchen.


Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Sägeketten, die speziell auf Ihre Kettensäge abgestimmt sind.
Limited Lifetime Warranty

Limited Lifetime Warranty

Our goal is to help you get the job done right with outstanding products that perform to your full satisfaction. Oregon warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for as long as it is owned by the original purchaser.
 ANSI Colored Labels

ANSI Colored Labels

Green labeled saw chain complies with low kickback performance requirements. Yellow labeled saw chain does not comply with low kickback performance requirements.
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